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3 Questions With Iowa House Candidate Patti Branco

3 Questions With Iowa House Candidate Patti Branco

Patti Branco is the Republican candidate for Iowa House District 34, which covers the Southern portion of Des Moines.  She is running against long entrenched Democratic incumbent Bruce Hunter, in a district that has been traditionally tough for Republicans.

Bruce Hunter has “Labor Union Liberal” written all over him, as not only does he sit as the ranking member of the Labor Committee, his wife happens to be the State Political Director for the AFL-CIO.  His top three priorities, in his own words, are all union strengthening give aways–leaving absolutely no doubt on how he feels is the best way to grow the economy.

An example of the type of candidate we are talking about here is as follows, and I am not making this up.  Among his top priorities for next session are increasing the minimum wage, “investing in infrastructure”, ensuring that teachers are “well rewarded”, and codifying “better protection of workers rights”.  After doing these things his plan then is to “aggressively market Iowa’s (low) cost of doing business“.  You can’t make this stuff up, and it’s high time this antiquated nonsense is voted out of office.

Beyond this, he appears out of touch in other areas.  Apparently his district is the only one in the state that is unconcerned with soaring taxes, and he lists one of his missions as “to work to keep Iowa school’s the best in the nation”.  It seems he has not studied any education data since the mid-1990’s.

Mrs. Branco is a very strong candidate who brings a long and impressive business background to the table.  She has been working hard, remaining highly visible, and doing everything it takes to wage a successful campaign.  All Republicans, especially those of you in her district, should take the time to check out her website and resume, and get involved to help her effort.

The Conservative Reader: Iowa recently reached out to her for our continuing “3 Questions With” series.  Below is Mrs. Branco’s take on the HD 34 race and what she views as her top priorities should she win.


1) You are running in a traditionally tough district for Republicans—how is the campaign going? And are you finding voters receptive to a change in ideology?

I feel good about the campaign.  I have a strong business background and quite a bit of nonprofit work on boards, but this is my first foray into the political arena.  I have had excellent mentors from the House and the Party sharing ideas and strategies that work, and I have several able and enthused volunteers.  We are door knocking daily, attending events and getting signs out in the in the district, making calls and raising money for a final mailing in October.

I am finding that some voters are going to pull the straight ticket, Democrat, but many others seem to be disillusioned and open to my message. At one door I was told…”I am firing every incumbent, so if you are not one, you have my vote”.  Others have indicated that maybe it’s time for change. I guess the final answer to the first question will be given on November 6th!


2) What would you characterize as the top two major differences in political philosophy between you and your opponent?  And how/why would your approach better serve the people of your district?

In a nutshell, I am conservative, and my opponent is liberal. I am for smaller government, lower taxes; I am for Veterans benefits,  I am pro-life,  I am for communication with the constituents to learn of their issues, and of the many doors I have knocked I find very little recognition or awareness of who the current 10 year incumbent is.  Let me say, without making disparaging comments, that I believe he is the opposite on most issues, and his voting record is public information.

The first thing I would do if elected is set up a data base so that I could reach out to my constituents, learn what is important to them and share what is happening in the halls of the Capitol.  I would be a full time pro business legislator, having no other full time career.  I am a people person, I love Iowa and I love America.

I have been endorsed by the Iowa Right to life Organization, the Family Leader and The National Federation of Independent Small Business Owners (NFIB).


3) Should you prevail and enter the Iowa House next year, what are the two or three votes that you most look forward to casting? And why?

A. Taxes! Real estate, property and corporate.  We have some of the highest taxes in those categories and if we want to continue to attract business to our state we need to reform the tax rates.  More businesses in Iowa means more jobs, a robust economy, increased net worth for families!  Lower taxes often means additional discretionary income.

B. I think Voter ID is an important issue and the fact that the ACLU and the courts are making it such a big obstacle course makes it even more suspect. Why would any law abiding citizen want to encourage voter fraud or prevent measures to eliminate votes from deceased voters, non-citizen voters or legal voters who manage to vote multiple times posing as others for the same ballot?

C. Education reform. Give tax paying parents more options. Give community leaders and local directors more control. If a teacher isn’t producing let parents choose the school they prefer. Demand accountability from teachers and from the educational boards of directors.



Iowa Senate Races: A Closer Look At The Leaners (SD 22)

Iowa Senate Races: A Closer Look At The Leaners (SD 22)

(Click for The Conservative Reader:Iowa’s complete overview of the 2012 Legislative Races)

The Candidates

Pat Ward (R) vs. Desmund Adams (D)

Pat Ward is an incumbent Senator from a different district, while Desmund Adams is an attorney who currently runs a executive search and public relations firm.

The District

Senate District 22 is comprised of both Polk and Dallas Counties.  The cities that make the district are Clive, Waukee, and the Western part of West Des Moines.  As you could likely guess this is pretty heavy Republican territory, though the actual registration advantage is smaller than one would think.  Registrations= R 15,374 – D 10,564 –  NP – 12,464 (R + 4,810).

The Race

Instead of staying put and running against Matt McCoy after map day, Ward chose to move west and was greeted by a challenge from the right by Waukee pastor Jeff Mullen.  The primary that unfolded between these two got truly out of hand, with Mullen crossing the line multiple times from tough attacks to outrageous defamation.  This forced Ward to respond heavy with radio advertising and deplete far more funds than I am sure she was hoping to.  The end result was that Mullen’s conduct backfired and he was defeated by 16 points.

The reasons for this seat landing in the leaner category instead of solid Republican are that (1) Ward just moved into the district, (2) she went through a bruising primary with a popular pastor, (3) at the last filing she had about $7,000 less than Adams, (4) the registration advantage is technically surmountable, and last but not least, (5) Adams is flat out a great candidate.  If he were running in an even district, I would bet money on Adams being able to win over voters and prevail.

I do think this seat will go Republican in the end.  The reasoning here is, (1) the math and the political leanings of the district , (2) if the Party thinks the seat is endangered they will spend big to keep it, (3) Ward will be able to kill Adams on his support of “stimulus” as a general governing tactic to deal with economic issues, and (4) Adams support of liberal social policy will hurt him badly in the Western part of the district (Mullen’s home base).

Though he is wisley making the pitch that “moderation needs a voice”, Adam’s positions do not seem to suggest that he is a moderate Democrat at all.  The reason I say “suggest” is that he only lists “beliefs” on his website (which include pro-choice and pro-gay marriage positions), and nothing specific on individual pieces of legislation or votes he would make.

What strikes me most about this race is that Desmund Adams, even in defeat, will be a major player for Democrats going forward–you have not heard the last of him.

Further Information

Pat Ward –

Desmund Adams –


The Iowa Family PAC Endorses Patti Branco for State House in the November 6th Election

The Iowa Family PAC Endorses Patti Branco for State House in the November 6th Election

Below is the full text of a press release sent out by the Family Pac.  Branco is running in a very tough district in Des Moines where the number of registered Democrats is more than twice that of registered Republicans.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Iowa Family PAC announces its endorsement of Patti Branco, a pro-family, pro-constitutional candidate for the general election for House District 34.

The Iowa Family PAC is endorsing Branco because of her proven ability to lead and stand firm for constitutional, conservative, pro-family principles.

The qualifications for an endorsement from The Iowa Family PAC include the belief that society and government work best when citizens accept a high level of personal responsibility and that the only way our nation can reclaim a God-honoring culture is to defend strong families. Other key qualifications include the protection of life from conception to natural death and the belief that marriage is a permanent, lifelong commitment between one man and one woman. The Iowa Family PAC also only supports candidates who believe it is the duty of parents to overseethe education of their children and that an ethical, free enterprise system is consistent with the biblical notion of stewardship. Endorsed candidates will be expected to support and defend both the Iowa and U.S. Constitutions.

Chuck Hurley, Chair of The Iowa Family PAC, said, “The Iowa Family PAC is happy to endorse Patti Branco, a godly woman of faith, whose worldview is consistent with Judeo-Christian principles and who will boldly defend and honor issues relating to the family. Patti understands the values of her district and will work hard to champion pro-family values of Iowans in her district. We will be praying diligently between now and November 6th for Patti Branco and her family.”

Contact: Julie Summa

[email protected] ; 515-263-3495, ext.14 (office), 515-210-7475 (cell)


About The Iowa Family PAC

The Iowa Family PAC is the official affiliated PAC of The FAMiLY LEADER. The Iowa Family PAC exists to elect pro-family lawmakers. It applies truth through direct intervention and support for the campaigns of bold, compassionate, pro-family candidates. Learn more about The Iowa Family PAC by going to



Iowa Senate Races: A Closer Look at the 8 Leaners (SD 14)

Iowa Senate Races: A Closer Look at the 8 Leaners (SD 14)

(Click for The Conservative Reader: Iowa’s complete overview of this year’s legislative races)

The Candidates

Amy Sinclair(R) vs. Dick Schrad(D)

Amy Sinclair is a former Wayne County Supervisor, and Dick Schrad is the former Knoxville City Manager.

The District

The newly drawn Senate District 14 (map) is located dead center on Iowa’s Southern border.  It contains all of Clarke, Decatur, Lucas, and Wayne Counties, most of Marion County, and a small Southern portion of Jasper County.

The Race

This Senate seat was left open by the retirement of Senate Minority Leader Paul Mckinley.  Both candidates faced primary opponents and crushed them, and during her Republican primary Sinclair won the endorsement of Caffeinated Thoughts and its founder Shane Vander Hart.  The Republican advantage in this district has fluctuated down then up since map day and currently stands at Republicans +2,590 (R=13,327 D=10,737), with 12,873 non-party registrations.  Both candidates have big loans to their campaigns out and as of now there is no significant money advantage one way or the other.

I have this seat as leaning pretty strongly Republican.  I attended a two day Farm Bureau event with Mrs. Sinclair earlier this year and can attest to the fact that she is a very personable and knowledgeable candidate.  Based on this first-hand experience and the district make-up, I am comfortable with making the call that she will prevail over Mr. Schrad.

Further Information

Amy Sinclair Campaign Face Book Page =

Dick Schrad Campaign Website  =


3 Questions With Iowa Senate Candidate Vicki Stogdill

3 Questions With Iowa Senate Candidate Vicki Stogdill

(This is the second installment of a continuing series posing 3 questions to Republican candidates statewide) 

Vicki Stogdill is running for the seat representing Senate District 18 in the Iowa Legislature.  She has been campaigning hard for months to give this traditionally Democratic territory a new voice at the State House.  Every race in the Iowa Senate this year is of utmost importance, and Stogdill’s effort to engage the voters of District 18 will reveal much about the Iowa electorate at large.  Voters both in and out of her district should take the time to check out her positions and background on her website, and to show her support in any way they can.  She brings to the table a long career in small business and a host of new ideas to strengthen Iowa’s communities and economy.

Recently, Vicki was kind enough to sit down with The Conservative Reader:Iowa to talk about her campaign and answer three questions that will have a direct impact both on her constituents and the state of Iowa.

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1.) Nearly 28% of the voters in your district are not registered with either political party, what two things would you like these folks to know about you and your candidacy before they vote in November?

A.  I ran as an Independent/NP candidate in 2008 – which demonstrates that I’m not afraid to stand up for principles before a party affiliation.  I won’t support a bill that’s not good for Iowa, regardless of party recommendations.   I want to foster greater cooperation between the two parties.  People are tired of the “partisanship” at our State Capitol, and I’d like to help minimize that.  Instead of the two parties going to their “opposing corners” in a disagreement, I will attempt to sit down and discuss where there are differences and find common ground, without compromising on principle.  I will put “people before politics.”

B.  I will self-impose term limits to allow more Iowans to have a chance to participate in the process.  I want to bring my business experience, creativity and problem-solving skills to the Iowa Capitol and have a positive influence on improving the future of our State.  Let’s bring fresh ideas and perspective to the discussion.

2.) Education is both an issue you are passionate about and one that will be front and center next session.  What major reforms need to be implemented to improve results state-wide (and in Des Moines especially), and why should voters resist the urge to not make these changes?

First of all, I don’t claim to have all the answers on how to “fix” Iowa’s Education system.  However, I believe one of the biggest keys to restoring our State to excellence in education is to restore more local control to school districts.  I am also a strong proponent of giving parents more choices in educating their children, and to having the dollars “follow the child” in those choices.

Iowa should repeal the “core curriculum” mandates and instead offer recommendations which would allow local school districts to decide how and what to teach again.  Locally elected school boards and administrators should make curriculum decisions based on the needs of their community, such as whether to enhance vocation programs for kids who do not choose a 4-year college after graduation, etc.  The Iowa Dept. of Education should be downsized to serve as an advisory support agency instead of an umbrella.  The State should continue to license and certify teachers.  School districts should conduct annual assessments (such as ITBS) and scores should be published locally for taxpayers to see what kind of results they are getting for their investment.  The State would only step in if a school district is consistently under-performing.

While technology and cutting edge learning must be a priority — we can’t lose sight of the “tried and true” teaching methods and foundational basics that have served us well in the past.  And throwing out “old” methods just because they’re old isn’t necessarily progress.  Teachers should have the ability to use their creativity again – to inspire kids to learn, with oversight from their local school administrators and school boards, instead of the State.  Iowa must stop trying to mold each child into a cookie-cutter curriculum and teaching methodology that obviously isn’t working. Iowa should continue to reject “No Child Left Behind” mandates.

In Des Moines our test scores and drop-out rates demonstrate that local voters need to recruit better local school board candidates and then “clean house” at the voting booth.  The results of our local schools are unacceptable at best, and it is not the job of the State to fix it – it is the responsibility of the community to demand it.  Local taxpayers must hold their local school boards and administrators accountable.  When searching for administrators, we should look first at the wealth of Iowa educators who are qualified to lead our schools – instead of conducting expensive searches to bring in out-of-state educators.   We have more than enough talented educators in Iowa who already know the landscape, challenges and history of our state.

A few other ideas that are worthy of consideration are to implement a dress code so students could focus on learning instead of fashion, which might also improve discipline and respect in our classrooms.  We must also realize that it’s not the job of schools to “socially engineer” our kids—that task is the duty and responsibility of parents.  In the Iowa Senate, I will work with educators, parents and the business community to arrive at recommendations which will prepare students for a career path after graduation.  Iowans deserve better than what we’re currently delivering in Education, and I will work tirelessly to achieve positive results for Iowa’s kids, parents and taxpayers.

3.)  Should you prevail in November and enter the Iowa Senate, what are the two or three votes you would most like to cast, and why?

While there are many bills I’m passionate about seeing passed – these three are among the most commonly suggested from my constituents, so they will be top priorities for me in the upcoming session:

A.  Voter ID – because NOT verifying the identity of voters is unconstitutional – and my vote is disenfranchised when fraud is allowed to potentially cancel it out.

B.   Property tax reform – on all classes of property.  For businesses, this will spur more expansion and investment which in turn will create more jobs when we stop penalizing the very engine of economic growth.  For homeowners it will mean leaving more money in the pockets of those who earned it. For farmers, it will mean using a funding formula that doesn’t penalize them for success.

C.   Education Reform, as discussed above.

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