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McKinley Comments on Governor’s Condition of State Address

McKinley Comments on Governor’s Condition of State Address

paul-mckinley-2After three years of job losses, unbalanced budgets and property tax increases, Governor’s record does not match his rhetoric.

DES MOINES, IA – Senate Republican Leader Paul McKinley (R-Chariton) issued the following statement today regarding Governor Culver’s Condition of the State Address delivered to a joint session of the 83rd General Assembly:

“I reject the notion that Governor Culver has balanced the budget without raising taxes. Iowans are faced with the reality of higher property taxes and they know better than to believe the governor’s hollow rhetoric.

“Governor Culver cannot continue promoting legislation that creates barriers to job growth, encourages employers to leave our state, raises property taxes and expect Iowans to believe he is serious about creating long-term private sector jobs.

“The Governor and I can agree on one thing and that is that Iowans are resilient. They have been resilient in the face of obstacles created by this Governor to job creation, economic prosperity and fiscal responsibility. Senate Republicans intend to focus on solutions that will make it easier for long-term sustainable jobs to be created, to provide necessary property tax relief and to craft a budget that is fiscally responsible and sustainable.

TCR Report Preview For January 12

TCR Report Preview For January 12

TCR Report PromoTomorrow is Governor Culver’s big Condition of the State speech (or “State of the State” speach, which some have dubbed an “SOS”).  We will be at the Statehouse watching the speech, providing commentary here at The Conservative Reader: Iowa, at The Des Moines Register’s web site and on The Conservative Reader Report ( in the afternoon at 3:00 PM.

On the show I will have Iowa House Member Erik Helland from Polk County, and Senator Shawn Hamerlinck from Senate District 42 (parts of Scott and Clinton Counties), along with Kim Lehman, President of Iowa Right to Life and Iowa’s Committee Woman to the Republican National Committee (RNC).

During the first hour we’ll be talking about the Condition of the State speech, along with thoughts about the session’s agenda with all three of our guests.  During the second hour, we’ll be discussing the RNC Resolutions currently under consideration with Kim Lehman.

Your calls are welcome at 515-327-1007 or 888-327-1007.

Plus the current hot political news, and of course, the Smart and Dumb politicians of the week!  All of this only on The Conservative Reader Report.

McKinley Comments on Governor’s Condition of State Address

Iowa Senate Republican Leader Paul McKinley: Opening Day Remarks

paul-mckinley-2DES MOINES, IA – Senate Republican Leader Paul McKinley (R-Chariton) today delivered his opening day speech of the second session of the 83rd Iowa General Assembly on the floor of the Iowa Senate. His remarks, as prepared for delivery, are as follows:

“Thank you Mr. President.

Friends and colleagues:

There is an ancient Chinese curse that says, “May you live in interesting times.” Is there any doubt that we live in interesting times?

As we start this new legislative session in this new decade, we are faced with a great number of challenges. Before the gavel falls for the final time this year, I know this body will be asked to act on many of these challenges. We are all going to be asked to make choices and take votes that we all wish we could avoid.

As we convene today in these interesting times, our state faces the largest deficit its history as a result of this Legislature passing and this governor signing the largest amount of spending in state history just months ago. Never in Iowa’s 164 years have we seen a deficit top $1 billion dollars but that is precisely the fiscal predicament that we must contend with in this shortened session.

Iowa does not have a revenue problem – we have a spending problem. Only three months ago, Governor Culver signed a ten percent across-the-board cut. Given the level of unsustainable spending and because our Constitution thankfully demands a balanced budget, action needed to be taken. Yet, it was all avoidable.

Some may wish to cast blame with Washington or Wall Street but that misses the mark. Had we spent at the rate of inflation since 2004, our state would not have had the $415 million dollar hole that needed to be eliminated by the governor’s across-the-board cut. Instead, we would have had a balanced budget, an $80 million dollar surplus and very few of the difficult fiscal decisions that we now must tackle in the coming weeks. Even after the governor made his across-the-board reduction, we are still left with the second most spending ever.

Republicans offered hundreds of millions in immediate cost savings last year and while most of them were voted down, we will continue to work hard to find savings, eliminate waste and offer innovative solutions that will result in a leaner and more efficient delivery of services to our constituents. Senate Republicans will continue to offer common sense solutions and a fiscally responsible vision for the years ahead.

If this body is truly serious about reorganizing government, Republicans stand ready to offer our solutions and suggestions to fundamentally and systemically reform the way our government operates. We must strive for lasting reforms and reject short-sighted attempts that will only further exacerbate the problem later. Now is not the time to kick the can further down the road.

We must now work together to pass a sustainable and responsible budget that funds the core essential services of government and reflects the priorities of our citizens. We must accomplish this without shifting taxes onto local governments, raising fees or continuing the past practice of using one-time dollars for ongoing expenditures.

While much of our focus may be on the budget, we face another tremendous challenge. We have 113,000 Iowans in the ranks of the unemployed and many other of our fellow citizens are underemployed having endured furloughs, benefit cuts and hour reductions. Our unemployment rate is now at levels not seen since the depths of the Farm Crisis a generation ago.

Senate Republicans believe we must make this session about jobs. We must grow this economy and send a clear message that Iowa is a destination for all those who wish to find success and fulfill their economic dreams. We must never lose focus on the future and remember that while we aim to help the Iowans of today, we are also building a state so that all of our children, grandchildren and the future generations of Iowans can find a job, build a business and raise their families here. Many of us have been given so much and have achieved our dreams as a result of the lives we have lived in this wonderful state. We must work every day this session to make it possible for others to realize their dreams here too.

Last session, Iowa put $1.7 billion dollars on the credit card to create temporary government make-work. Yet, all of that debt, to be paid off over three decades, will not lead to good paying sustainable private sector jobs. It is one thing to pay someone to dig a ditch and fill it back up and it is another thing to make it easier for sustainable private sector jobs to be created in every community in every county. We must move away from the mindset of allowing government to pick winners and losers and strive to help all who seek success.

Jobs can be created during a recession and during tough economic times. I know because I created lots of jobs in southern Iowa during the Farm Crisis. We must unleash the entrepreneurial spirit and ingenuity of the private sector. We know small business, the engine of economic growth in this state, is responsible for two out of every three new jobs created. We must not add additional barriers that will make it more difficult for jobs to be created.

Already, we’ve learned that the property taxpayers of this state will likely be forced to shoulder upwards of $270 million in growth stopping increases this year alone. Let’s create a climate with reasonable levels of regulation and taxation that encourages private investment in our workforce. It’s time to set aside the legislation that raises taxes, puts out of balance the labor-management relationship and enacts new over zealous regulations that send jobs across our borders. We should not punish the very people who we need to help grow our state. Senate Republicans intend to focus on jobs and property tax relief and for the future of Iowa, our kids and grandchildren, I pray there is bi-partisan support.

Besides getting our fiscal house in order, working to make it easier for sustainable private sector jobs to be created and helping the property taxpayers, we will certainly be asked work on other important endeavors. Challenges exist in education, health care, energy, agriculture and with our natural resources. We must do better in providing oversight and never stop trying to make our government more open and transparent. We must also challenge ourselves to guarantee ample public safety and ensure that we have roads and infrastructure that are safe, reliable and capable of supporting the Iowa economy of the future.

With a shortened session, we must work efficiently and diligently on behalf of the citizens of this great state – the citizens and taxpayers who elected us and put their trust in us to carry out their wishes. They are asking us to lay the foundation for a brighter and more optimistic future. Senate Republicans are eager and energized to play a significant role in leading Iowa forward.

This is now the second session where I have served as the Republican Leader and as I have traveled extensively throughout this wonderful state in the past few months, I’ve met with Iowans from all corners of the state and from all walks of life. I’ve heard one common message: government is too big, too out-of-touch and it is increasingly out-of-control. In fact, I know there are tea partiers here today and I welcome their scrutiny. Whether Iowans are gathering at tea parties all over the state demanding a greater voice, less spending, a smaller government, more freedom, liberty and opportunity or whether they want us, the members of the General Assembly, to finally give them a vote on the basic definition of marriage: we have a duty to listen to their concerns for they are the reason we are in this chamber today.

We, as elected officials, have been granted an incredible authority to set policy and represent the people of this state. As individuals, we are here to serve as the voice and vote of our constituents in our districts but together we must work for the betterment of all.

Senate Republicans are again ready to get to work for the people of this state. Our agenda is straight forward: if it helps streamline government, keeps government within its means and does not ask for the taxpayer to shoulder even more of the burden through higher taxes, you will see broad Republican support. If the proposals help make it easier for sustainable private sector jobs to be created, you will see broad Republican support. If we are about expanding freedom, liberty and opportunity in this state, Republicans will be on board. But if the proposals and legislation seeks to do otherwise – if they seek to continue to grow government, raise taxes and make it more difficult for jobs to be created – do not be surprised to find us strongly opposed.

I want to conclude by offering one more famous Chinese proverb. It says, quite simply, “May you find what you are looking for.” There are 50 of us in this chamber and together we represent the three million Iowans that call our beautiful state home. Every Iowan is unique and special but we all are looking for similar things: a better life and jobs for our family, good schools and safe communities for our children and a government that lives within its means, promotes liberty and fosters opportunity.

Iowans are blessed with common sense, are hardworking, frugal and optimistic about the future. They care about their communities, their schools and the neighbors around them. Our people are smart, they love this state and they want what is best for their families. This sense of independence, community and self sufficiency is the bedrock and lifeblood of this great state.

Mr. President, let us work together every day to offer a more optimistic, hopeful and prosperous future. Always be proud to be an Iowan and though we live in interesting times, may we all find what we are looking for.

Thank you very much.”

Iowa House Republican Leader’s Opening Day Remarks

Iowa House Republican Leader’s Opening Day Remarks

kraig-paulsen-2(DES MOINES)—House Republican Leader Kraig Paulsen (R-Hiawatha) delivered opening remarks to the Iowa House of Representatives today.  The following are his remarks, as prepared for delivery:

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, ladies and gentlemen of the House, family and friends:

First I want to start by welcoming Representative Royd Chambers back to the House.  Thank you for your service, Royd, we’re very happy to have you home.

Obviously we have a difficult year ahead of us.  But rather than look at this as a problem I hope this body will choose to see opportunity.  Opportunity for a stronger Iowa, opportunity to create an efficient and open state government.  An opportunity to give the state back to the people.

Last year we heard a lot of blame being passed out.  House Republicans don’t think this is helpful. Wasn’t it President Truman who said, “the buck stops here?”  Instead of blaming our state’s troubles on someone else, House Republicans have taken action and are ready to take action again this year.

Make no mistake though, just like I said last year … if blame is continued to be misplaced, as Republicans believe it has in the past, I will continue to talk about the pork of the last three years – the 2,600 new state employees – the 17+% spending increases. Mr. Speaker, Republicans prefer to move on; I hope Democrats feel the same.

Last year in my opening day speech I called for increased truth and transparency in state government, vowed to stand up against tax increases, and pointed out the importance of reducing the cost of government.  As we worked through the year, Republicans crafted legislation to do just that.  While most of it was not supported at the time, these ideas are now being revered as a good plan.

Today, those three goals have not changed.  House Republicans will continue our efforts in those areas and add a few more to the list.

During the interim we went back to our home districts, met with our constituents and developed several bold solutions for the state of Iowa.  The only party to put forth an agenda, we focused on empowering families, reducing budgets, and strengthening education and healthcare, just to name a few.  We will put our plan into action with legislation that will hopefully be given a better reception than our efforts last year.

We will also focus on creating an environment which is welcoming to employers and encourages them to invest in our workforce, passing an affordable and responsible budget and standing up to the creeping federal intrusion into the lives of Iowans.

When we convened last year, 80,000 Iowans were out of work. When we adjourned that number had jumped to over 100,000.  Now it is somewhere around 115,000 Iowans out of work.  House Republicans will offer concrete and realistic ideas to put Iowans back to work.

We’ve repeatedly been saying we must reduce spending and we must be fiscally conservative with Iowans’ tax dollars.  While bloated budgets, increased spending and growing debt is now the norm—let me be very clear about where we stand—House Republicans will not support any budget that spends more money than it takes in.  Balancing the budget is not good enough if it’s on the backs of the property taxpayer.

The taxpayer deserves a seat at the table and House Republicans will make sure that happens.

Republicans believe state government disregarded Iowans’ concerns last year.  Pushing bills through at all hours of the night with little debate, removing citizens from the very building they pay for, budgets created behind closed doors, and we failed to permit them to have the final say on how marriage should be defined in Iowa.

Abraham Lincoln once said, “Public sentiment is everything.  With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it nothing can succeed.”

Mr. Speaker, it’s time to listen to the will of the people.  House Republicans believe it’s time to return state government back to the hands of Iowans, allowing their voices to be heard…they deserve a seat at the table that they pay for.

Mr. Speaker, House Republicans stand ready to move Iowa forward.  Mr. Speaker House Republicans are ready to go to work.  Thank you.

Iowa GOP Legislators All Fired Up!

Iowa GOP Legislators All Fired Up!

iowa-gopI attended this morning’s 2010 Republican Legislative Kickoff Breakfast. At least 200 people, including legislators, party leaders, lobbyists and candidates were in attendance. The event was opened by Jim Kurtenbach, Iowa Republican Party Co-chair. Brief speeches were given by:

  • Steve King, US House District 5 Representative.  Invocation and some comments.  He acknowledged that the results of our work are in God’s hands.
  • Linda Upmeyer , Iowa House Republican Whip.  She reminded us to pray, work to get volunteers on campaigns, and raise the financial resources needed to win.
  • Kraig Paulsen , Iowa House Republican Leader.  He commented that he has a lot of love in his trunk, plus a few sticks of dynomite.
  • Steve Kettering, Iowa Senate Republican Whip,   He said “A comeback for Republicans is a comeback for all Iowans!”
  • Paul McKinley, Iowa Senate Republican Leader.  Paul related a story about meeting some US Department of Labor employees in New York who stayed at the Ritz Carlton at the government’s expense… their comment: “It’s a new day!”.
  • Matt Strawn, Iowa Republican Party Chair.  “Iowans have gotten a taste of what a Democrat dominated government is like” and “we have solutions”.

Through out the speeches, a consistent message of satisfaction that all Iowa Republicans in the 2009 voted consistently with the party, that we cannot support a budget that exceeds revenue, that we need to give Iowans the right to vote on the definition of Marriage, labor unions cannot be allowed to destroy Iowa businesses, and that Democrats are extremely vulnerable.

I was honored to sit next Royd Chambers from Sheldon, who was deployed with the Iowa Air National Guard to Kyrgyzstan during the 2009 session. I was also seated next to Bill Northey, Iowa’s Secretary of Agriculture. I had a good chat with Bill about the upcoming budget work in his department, and it sounds like everyone is putting the nose to the grindstone!

Governor Branstad was there, as well as Bob Vander Plaats. I’m assuming the Rod Roberts and Chris Rants were also there, but I did not get a chance to see them. Other candidates that I happened to see included:

  • George Eichhorn, running for Secretary of State
  • Dave Funk, Brad Zaun (Iowa Senator from Urbandale), and Mark Rees, all three running for US House District 3
  • Chris Reed and Mariannette Miller-Meeks, both running for US House District 2

I saw Dave Vaudt as well… Tom Latham was not able to attend the event.

Overall, the event was encouraging and a great opportunity to connect with folks I had not seen in a while.   Although Republicans are in the minority, our legislators are ready to do the hard work of helping reduce unnecessary spending and fight for Iowans rights.

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