Current Date

The Conservative Reader:

Chuck Grassley will be conducting a townhall type of event this afternoon (3:30 – 4:30 PM Central Time) using Twitter.

I don’t have any idea how this is going to work.  Evidently, Chuck is way ahead of me.

I’m not saying I lack the technical savey to engage in this event… I just need some clarification on how to properly engage in this.  I have twitter.  I actually use it to follow a number of twitter sources, and I provide updates occasionally as well with the tool.  I even have tweetdeck running on my computer at home.  And I think I’ve done the “@” function at least once (to send a direct message to someone).

At any rate, the event is being provided by impromptu studio and the #dmtweetup group.  The video below (which will only be live during the event) will probably provide instructions.  If I have a chance to update this post to explain, I will.

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