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Peter Cownie’s Weekly Update: Budgets and Fair Share

[1]Since I don’t currently have the time I need to follow the work of the Iowa General Assembly as closely as I’d like, it helps me to read these updates from Peter [2].  This week, I’m surprised to learn that the Democrats are anxious to bring back the “Fair Share” concept that they tried to force down Iowan’s throats last year.

It isn’t bad enough that we have to struggle to ensure that spending is under control and that we don’t depend on the Federal Government to meet our fiscal needs, but do we really have to start sucking up to the unions yet again by taxing non-union members to pay for the junkets of corrupt union leaders?

Mind you, if union members really want to throw their money away by paying union dues that cost them more than they get (and I mean costing in terms of lost opportunities, meager strike funds and ridiculous concessions that just bankrupt the companies they work for), that’s their business.  But dragging their co-workers into paying for the same obsolete concept is larceny.

Call your representative and stop this madness!

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Meanwhile the budget battle goes on.  Evidently, the message continues to be finding ways to keep the spending flowing despite any sense of thoughfulness.  Granted, I think we can live on a lot less  spending even when the economy is good… and if we worked with that mindset, it wouldn’t be so hard for us right now because we’d already have budget, the government, the horse trough, all under control.  It’s too bad we don’t do enough to hold the politicians accountable.

But you can.  Call them.  And start planning for the 2010 elections.